Come and Visit us at JEPA Pavilion between Feb. 9-11 2022


Jordan International 3rd Date Palm Festival in Amman


BRC Certified Company

Jordan River Dates is now BRC certified Company


Our Certificate

Jordan River Dates Team, would like to assure to its clients that we are committed to high Quality Products and we have renewed our GLOBAL GAP and HACCP certificate till August 2022 with 100% Compliance.



Our farms have a unique location: 200 meters to the Eastern side of the Jordan River; that is being right on the Jordan River Bed. This allows the yielding of distinguished dates: unique in its colour, taste, and texture.

In addition to this, the warm climate of the Jordan Valley all year round and its unique semi-clayish soil and fabulous climate during winter give the Medjool and Barhi Dates an exclusive favour.

Jordan River farms currently grows 5000 palm trees with a vision of targeting 8000 tree mark over the 900,000 sqm. of our agricultural farming land.



We were founded on a strong set of beliefs and values to give something back and to help others. Our commitment is to offer employment opportunities for the underprivileged women in our local community. We employ females from the local community providing them with the two meals & daily transportation to and from their residencies.

We also employee refugees offering them, and their families’ shelter and a working opportunity. We also employee refugees offering them, and their families’ shelter and a working opportunity.



Our Products are Medjool & Barhi dates grown on Jordan River bed with a unique taste, texture and coloured.

Our trees are hand pollinated and the harvest is delicately hand-picked with utmost precision.

All products are pesticide free, 100% Natural with no preservatives or food additives, and are
NON- GMO certifed.




Years of experience in the
agricultural sector


Tons current annual production


Planted palm Dates


Square meters of agricultural
farming land



Palm Dates Continuously
growing to Target


Tons Continuous expansion to
reach the capacity

Our Facilities

Our farms have a unique location: 200 meters to the Eastern side of the Jordan River; that is being
right on the Jordan River Bed. This allows the yielding of distinguished dates: unique in its colour,
taste, and texture.

In addition to this, the warm climate of the Jordan Valley all year round and its unique semi-clayish
soil and fabulous climate during winter give the Medjool and Barhi Dates an exclusive flavour.

Jordan River farms currently grows 5000 palm trees with a vision of targeting 8000 tree mark over the
900,000 sqm. of our agricultural farming land

Palm Tree

Our Products


Medjool Dates

Our Products are Medjool & Barhi dates grown on Jordan River bed with a unique taste, texture and coloured.

Our trees are hand pollinated and the harvest is delicately hand-picked with utmost precision.

All products are pesticide free, 100% Natural with no preservatives or food additives, and are
NON- GMO certifed.


Barhi Dates

Barhi dates are usually consumed fresh; they are packed in strands or branches in 5 KG cartoon
boxes. They are seasonal fruits that are harvested during August and September. They can stay fresh few weeks if stored at cool Temp.

The Barhi Date is a round shaped fruit, with golden yellowish color, a length of 2.5 - 3.5 centimeters,
and a diameter of 2 to 2.5 centimeters.

Export Details


Our farms have a unique location: 200 meters to the Eastern side of the Jordan River; that is being right on the Jordan River Bed. This allows the yielding of distinguished dates: unique in its colour, taste, and texture.

In addition to this, the warm climate of the Jordan Valley all year round and its unique semi-clayish soil and fabulous climate during winter give the Medjool and Barhi Dates an exclusive favour.

Jordan River farms currently grows 5000 palm trees with a vision of targeting 8000 tree mark over the 900,000 sqm. of our agricultural farming land.


Upcoming News

4th Palm Festival
Fruit Logistical


Our dates are exported globally. Our farm production focuses on Medjool and Barhi dates.

We work closely with the local authorities to provide our clients with all the requested export documents such as Certifcate of Origin (COO), Arab League – COO, Euro-one certifcates, MRL Analyses , and phytosanitary certifcates, NON- GMO certifcates.

If you have any trade enquiries or would like to explore forming a trade partnership with us, please contact us.

Contact Us


941382 Amman 11194 - Jordan


+(962) 79 6188 445


+(962) 77 5924 291

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